Tuesday, December 10, 2013

PvP ended a few days ago!
got an Azuria~
and i went to spin the wheel since new reactor mutant series is out!
got a Gothic Rakshasa first!
followed by a Gothic Martian Marauder~
and finally a Gothic Alien!
luckily all three different mutants!
and since i still have spare reactor tokens lying around...
went to spin the Super Heroes Series!
got myself a Super Hero Leech Lord~
and i bred a Silver Nordic Knightmare.
also got a Silver Pit Lord.

i also failed 2 times, trying to get a Bronze Blade Banshee and a Bronze Shell Shock or Bronze Behemoth.
in the end got a Bronze Dire Despot and a Bronze Bounty Bug.
and this PvP event is really hard.
keep getting matched with pple with ridiculously high level.
say bye to the exclusive mutant. :S

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