Tuesday, December 3, 2013

a really long time since i updated.
having exams but i haven't neglected my game!
as mentioned i am trying to complete the different Bronze version mutants.
so first up is a Bronze Beetle Bot.
and a Bronze Honey Bunny.
a Bronze Master Splitter.
which i have other use for it. ;)
a Bronze Parasite Queen!
a Bronze Techno Taoist.
finally got myself a demon.
and i just won this Shell Shock from the PvE event!
so these are my bronze mutants.
i have also been working hard on Silver pure genes mutants.
that's because i found out that i am losing more fights in the PvP even this time round.
since i am matched up with people that are level 60+, they probably have silver or gold mutants.
so these Silver pure genes are bred to prepare myself for future Gold mutants!
here is my Silver Leech Lord
and my Silver Master Splitter!
new PvP event ending soon.
should be able to get the new mutant. ;)

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