Tuesday, December 10, 2013

PvP ended a few days ago!
got an Azuria~
and i went to spin the wheel since new reactor mutant series is out!
got a Gothic Rakshasa first!
followed by a Gothic Martian Marauder~
and finally a Gothic Alien!
luckily all three different mutants!
and since i still have spare reactor tokens lying around...
went to spin the Super Heroes Series!
got myself a Super Hero Leech Lord~
and i bred a Silver Nordic Knightmare.
also got a Silver Pit Lord.

i also failed 2 times, trying to get a Bronze Blade Banshee and a Bronze Shell Shock or Bronze Behemoth.
in the end got a Bronze Dire Despot and a Bronze Bounty Bug.
and this PvP event is really hard.
keep getting matched with pple with ridiculously high level.
say bye to the exclusive mutant. :S

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

a wild Silver Android appear!
there will be a lack of updates.
thanks to my silver Pit Lord which i am trying to crossbreed.
it takes 3 days to breed it.
what a disaster!
haha, maybe i should save some gold and upgrade my breeding center.
finally leveled my two Bronze Nordic Knightmare and two Bronze Astro Surfer to level 15.
so i am just waiting for the breeding machine to be available.
and yeah, i got another Bronze Bounty Bug after my nth failed attempts at getting a Martian Marauder.

and i am at wave 89 of the PvE event now!
still got 9 days to complete it.
don't know if i have the capabilities to earn a gold star this time round.

there has been news that the new reactor mutant series will be out.
saving my reactor tokens for that.
i have like 4 of them.
won one from the slots.
and i expect to get one more soon.
that will be from the PvP event which will end in 4 days time.
don't dare to hope for a Silver Star.
but a reactor token is manageable.

there are also news that Arachno or Monocerus will be in the shop soon for a short period.
i hope that whatever they put there will be sold in credits.
i even saved up my credits for it.
i remembered that when i jus started playing this game like a month ago, Monocerus was up for sale.
and i couldn't afford it.
would definitely want to get it if i can.
as for Arachno, i have never seen it before.
so it will be a good addition to the family as well.

and i am wondering if i should get a Master Oida as well.
since it is legendary.
though it seems to be kind of weak. @_@
also wish that the evolution center can be on discount again.
i really need to level it up.
save up all credits!!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

a really long time since i updated.
having exams but i haven't neglected my game!
as mentioned i am trying to complete the different Bronze version mutants.
so first up is a Bronze Beetle Bot.
and a Bronze Honey Bunny.
a Bronze Master Splitter.
which i have other use for it. ;)
a Bronze Parasite Queen!
a Bronze Techno Taoist.
finally got myself a demon.
and i just won this Shell Shock from the PvE event!
so these are my bronze mutants.
i have also been working hard on Silver pure genes mutants.
that's because i found out that i am losing more fights in the PvP even this time round.
since i am matched up with people that are level 60+, they probably have silver or gold mutants.
so these Silver pure genes are bred to prepare myself for future Gold mutants!
here is my Silver Leech Lord
and my Silver Master Splitter!
new PvP event ending soon.
should be able to get the new mutant. ;)