Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MIRO is back!
and we went to play some ball room!
Forget the song alr though. Haha.
Look at the woman in the pumpkin suit. (Soul hwanny)

Next we went to play cbp!
I pulled her score up.
Winner! *Superman pose*
btw don't we look damn cute beside those npc? ^__^

and then we went to ballroom again
and tada! I won her in the 150bpm song Can Can!
hoho! 2 sync only, we seriously need to improve.
and I also won her in the next lp song.
Shall we dance, my lady?
8 sync, if next lp don't pass really is damn sad.
actually I win her only becos I heng.
must understand today all these photos are really rare.
Especially since she 4 days never touch audi.

Signing off,

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