everyday i'm updating~
iKIRO from -iRo- fam proudly presenting....
finally passed -iRo- recruitment test!wakaka!
using reverse chance, no more perfect chance!
went BVG today and took this pic.
found anything interesting?
1) Flowers held by the boys are in alternate colours
2) The pets are mouse, cat and dog!
3) My LAOSHU pawns all, cos it is right at the back. HOHO!
and then realise tat my percentage....
swee lah!
this means that we shld be expecting the next pic....
why is iMIRO's licence pass?
haha, cos she passed her licence earlier than me.
so i shld post hers first.
though both licence passed by me.
and so the next pic!
haven pass yet.
jus want to show u my cute LAOSHU running!
tribute to my LAOSHU, cos he is expiring soon.
last but not least...
cleared!lvl 19~
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