Saturday, July 28, 2012

tried doing stories again on fri!
thanks to ~AhFat~ since she helped me to finish the 4k couple 5 hearts story mode.
after clearing...
another story!
dynamic 4 500k score team win!
took some 大头 pictures!
seriously is a 几帅一下!
and after tat...
night 4 direction story!
black and white!
finish story~
went to club 3 ytd with my char's 帅帅 hair!
with someone who looks almost like MIRO~
and today....
after a few rounds of coins~
Lvl up!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

once again...
today is clearing story day!
cleared story for being 1st in choreography mode~
need 5 rounds.
took down rounds which score exceed 1m~
thanks to insane ^_^
last round!
not only complete story but also got 2m score~
thanks to 1, 2 fiesta being a long song~
last but not least...
gogo licence~~~
lvl 22 lo!

Monday, July 23, 2012

show u something~
look at the number of hearts!
went clubbing.
look at my non existent neck.
tsk tsk

Sunday, July 22, 2012

我想要 安靜的思考
天平上 讓愛恨不再 動搖
我關燈還是關不掉 這風暴

得不到 也不要乞討
怎麼做 不需要別人 轉告
我也只剩下我自己 能依靠

心一跳 愛就開始煎熬
每一分 每一秒
火在燒 燒成灰有多好
叫思念 不要吵
我相信我已經快要 快要把你忘掉
跟寂寞 再和好

我相信我已經快要 是真的我快要
去面對 下一個 擁抱

finally passed my story 25!
like a difficult to get 450k in sync 8 party party~
tada~ lost but passed!
after story 25 cleared, it opened up a cpl of 4k story so cleared them quite easily.
even though i cleared like 30 stories but then still no E1 grey logo cos haven clear story 19!
so i tried it over and over again...
requirement was x4 chain in sync 8 mode. Song: Destiny 132 bpm.
like a difficult right?
i used perf chance to reduce impact of fast song.
tried over 10 times to get this.
my E1 logo!
probably wont upgrade logo.
though i cleared most of stories needed for E1 blue logo, but then the remaining are some really nasty 8k stories.
nonetheless, satisfied ^_^
first time cleared so many stories through my own effort.
like a 100% cleared everything on my own.
Cleared -iRo-FAM requirement :3

I'm not a monster.
넌 알잖아

Saturday, July 21, 2012

did a number of stories today!
like a difficult to pass sial!

after like 10 over tries~
cos need like 25 perf for swan lake cc4!
damn difficult.
only managed to pass cos i did a x10 chain~
and after all these stories~
able to licence and passed it!
now lvl 21 amateur~
look at my pretty page one~
a number of them are 8k mode.
wonder how i passed them previously.
now stuck at story 19, 24, 25 and 33.
Anyone wan help?
all 8k sial.
like a *toot* difficult!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

ok, after adventures with shifu, we shall have -iRo- adventure!
playing coin coin~
we tried the epic manner, 3 pple coin mode.
1 person tackle 1 colour.
lose one wipe their own pigu clean wait for others to smack.
see shifu worry abt her pigu~
her purple totally failing!
nice backup dancer for MIRO~
hoho jas u look damn cool here!
my big head pic~
why u so cute?
shifu big head pic~
act innocent siol!
combination pass!
look at xh's joke prize.
simi hair lai de?
then now she act yi ge stylo pose for us.
-iRo- FM~
wah this match i rmb!
jas lag till siao
she always mus clean her buttock let us smack liao
and i got my 100 score test paper accessory here~
another one MIRO almost need wipe arse.
heng need 10 blue coins only and she got like 10 or 11.
all got dens.
like a suay~
xh, u jealous?
happy adventure as promised!
ballroom all the way in badass cpl tee~

7 sync~
like a zai only!
perf sama sama~
like a zai only
plus i chain pawn shifu!
like a zai only
10 sync!
For can can~
like a zai only
jas u saw this?
xh say is a target for u. 
perf is 几多一下!
more than shifu!
like a zai only