Wednesday, November 6, 2013

this is my Captain Planet!
and here's my Planet Cleaner!
i got a Bronze Bounty Bug which is under incubation now.
no luck with Martian Marauder yet.
and my Valkyrie hasn't reach level 10 yet so i couldn't crossbreed her with Techno Taoist.
what i did instead was to crossbreed my Captain Peace with a Warrior.
and i got a Nordic Knightmare. :(
was hoping to get another Valkyrie or a Grandolphus.
but well, no bronze star spent so all is well.
most likely going to sell it due to lack of space.
and yeah something bad happened to me!
was trying to reach wave 50 of PvE event so that i can get the 200k credits reward!
but i lost at wave 50!
so ended up at wave 40 again and had to re-fight all those rounds.
the 200k credits is very much needed since i wan to upgrade my evolution center.
which is under a 20% discount now.
i eventually did managed to hit wave 50 (now at wave 55) but then when i think about the number of campaign passes wasted. :(
but good news is that i managed to upgrade my evolution center 2 times!
i wonder if every Wednesday there will be a discount.
if that is the case then i have to save my moolah!

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