Thursday, October 31, 2013

and indeed!
my alien and beast gave me a Xenos!
*Pom pom*
looks like a scorpion with the tail thus the name Scorpius!
and my proudest achievement in the game for now~
Techno Taoist~
I also crossbred a lvl 10 beast and lvl 11 robot.
since both are above lvl 10 so I added a bronze star to it!
and oh yeah!
got a Reptoid, which is suppose to be rare~
it is in the incubating machine right now.

and i am also cross breeding my Nordic Knightmare and Beast right now!
trying to get a Rakshasa.
think it is a rare mutant.
the normal mutant with this combi of gene would be a honey bunny.
@_@ (no more of that pls)

and yeah!
i will be back to cross breed my beast and an alien again!
since i didnt get my parasite Queen last time. (Got the rare Xenos)
will have to try again!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

here is my bronze Zomborg!
eerrrk! purple @_@
and revealing my Colossus!
didn't get the rare planet cleaner. :O
a pleasant surprise!
was aiming for a Ghostmonaut as part of the mission given by the game.
so i bred a zombie and an alien and got this!
a Tutti Gooey~
and since i still have to complete the mission.
so here comes the Ghostmonaut!
i believe i cross-bred an alien and a leech lord to get this.
could have gotten the ordering wrong. :/
pretty lucky today!
made use of the promotion to double level my evolution center to lvl 13.
then i finally reached wave 40 of the event!
so got my 3rd reactor token and went to spin the superheroes!
got a rare techno taoist! (my first mystic gene mutant and gold star mutant)
i believe it is the strongest out of all the reactor token series mutants. (i could be wrong)
but it is in the process of incubating right now... (takes like 1 day 5 hour)
and also waiting for my Bounty Bug to be ready!
right now cross breeding an alien and a beast.
possible creatures are Xenos (rare) and Parasite Queen.
wish myself luck!

tml full day chiong project. @_@

Monday, October 28, 2013

Playing a brand new game these days.
it's called Mutants: Genetic Gladiator.
Level 17 right now. I aim to level up once a day.
This game is kinda cool since we get to discover different types of mutants.
some of them are rarer than the others.
some have a long breeding time.
I only started playing this game last week, but i managed to unlock a few rare mutants.
My first jackpot started with this Stealth Bot.

Next came a Blade Banshee. (Got 2 of them now)
Then an Undead Dragon which I got randomly with no intention of creating it.
I think I got it when I cross bred a Kaiju Kitten and a Dead Bot or a Cerberus.
Well I could be wrong.
I also got a Zomborg finally after like 5 tries.
I tried breeding it with Android and Leech Lord but failed non stop.
Then I mixed my Dire Despot with Enforcer and got it!
A nice surprise since I added a Bronze Star to it.
But no pictures since I am still in the midst of incubating it.

Last of all another Bronze star mutant.
Dire Despot!
Quite glad that I got it since this mutant is quite strong.
And this Crypt Wraith which I won from the PVP Tournament!
Got lucky since my level is quite low and managed to win some fights.

Right now incubating my Bronze Zomborg and  cross breeding my alien and android.
Wonder what I would get.
It would either be a Colossus or if I am lucky, a rare Planet Cleaner.
Planet Cleaner?
Oh well...