looking back at my playstation 1 collection, i was amazed at the number of games that i possessed.
they reminded me of my childhood.
those hours of playing without worrying about exams in front of the television.
how on earth did i even manage to spend so much time playing them?
some of them i never manage to complete like digimon world 1 and 3 and monsterseed.
and some really fun games like bishi bashi, digimon rumble arena, crash bash, fishing ol bass and point blank 2.
some i never played them even though i had them for n years.
and i also played a lot of gameboy games when i was young!
pokemon were a given, there was also pokemon card game, mario and some puzzle ghost game.
back then pc games are not that popular.
almost everyone owns a game console at home or a portable gameboy.
return me to my childhood.