Friday, August 31, 2012

I am back!
干久never update!
my new look~
seems like christmas came early for me.
so wish everyone an early christmas!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1st time mega!
Heng got bulletin points.
2nd time mega.
Lose die me.
Then shifu zai zai also mega~
And ~xBOO went lobby and tell everyone abt her smexy arse~

I'm sexy and I know it~

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

played awhile today since new patch came out!
couple 31~
24 perf!
then went box opening for quite sometime...
got 2 special box exclusive avatar! xD
Bloody Shirt
Bloody Pants.
Freaking Bloody.
^_^ both are dens item~~~
which means indefinite! xD

u pissed me off.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

quite boring weekend~
gardening with MIRO
and bought fam channel!
haha, tagged abit only since it is 3am in the morning.


Friday, August 3, 2012

this is reporter evil like shit reporting!
today is a great day for our iKIRO!
KIRO preparing to do his story missions...
KIRO attempted his story missions...
KIRO failed his story missions...
KIRO tried again...
KIRO passed his story missions!
and now this is how evil KIRO looks like!
so badass looking with his newly acquired E2 logo~

next mission: SLACK
today we tried the lp song again!
10 sync~
finally MIRO not lag for one rd...
and love party!
though is 2nd try.
cos MIRO a bit lag.
Love letter~
new ring yo!
swee lah!
then went storying again~
20 perf for cc8!
so difficult!
but passed ^_^
and then license~
Lvl 26 Backup now~

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

completed story which i stuck for 1 week plus.
even begged shifu to help me but she rejected me.
Sync 8 You 136bpm 10 perf and above plus top placing.
need to thank the person who invented insane mode.
my insane like not bad huh!
lol so lao wang.
notice something different?
Gold E1 logo!
i skipped the Blue E1 logo since i passed everything from story 1-62 except 24.
so now that 24 is completed, i jumped logo!
the power of determination man.
Lappy also can finish 8k story.
however, this shld really be my last E1 logo.
since the rest cc8 plus damn fast song i really cannot handle.
still, i am satisfied!
and after tat went to use my x2 exp which i got from previous lvl rewards and attending wedding parties.
if dont use in the future will pile up like a mountain!
now alr hill liao got like 160 plus or more of them.
after tagging for like 1 hour plus in expert channel...
look at the judgement yo!
not bad right?
haha damn lao wang.
cleared~ i am lvl 24!
and then tagged for another 4 hours!
too many coupons le seriously.
want to stop also cannot since no off button.
use on normal game damn wasted.
so i pity my poor fingers...
but then look at my page!
can love party plus can licence!

cleared it again~
i can hear it now...
MIRO saying "y u so pia?"
she would also say, "wah u so bad, don't wan shun bian help me lvl."
cos she 95% le~
thanks to SHINy for tagging!
in which SHINy also lvled to a backup now.
lvl 25~
actually i whr got so bad right?
cleared her licence and a couple of story mode.