Saturday, June 30, 2012

next ring is so hard to obtain.
need like 9300 hearts and we only have 6962.
2338 hearts more.
how to get so many hearts?!?!
plus Miro is busy with camp right now!
garden until 手软 also cannot get.
and next ring isn't tat nice looking.
how motivating.

Friday, June 29, 2012

i am such a 暴发户!
woke up at 8am today and went to buy ppc.
got myself the set tat i wanted for sometime.
but then haven't buy the bottom yet since the one i got for free hasn't expire yet.
aiming towards top holiday spender!
today condition not bad as well.
chain up till x5 and x6 quite frequently.
can see i won fashion week
and the score difference for club dance.
overall quite satisfied.
maybe if today love party will pass in one try.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

today finally can love party le!
but then we weren't that lucky in sync-ing our perf.
we failed like 2 times.
mostly becos I am too noob, cannot really match my perf to MIRO's perf.
she kept chaining though.
so when it's the 3rd try, I sort of power up and chain.
if not have to retry again.
and we finally passed our love party.
heng ah!
our new ring!

feel of the night? we didn't really feel anything except quite irritated.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lvl up!
i remembered that in the past license wasn't this easy.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

random photos from daily lives~

it's hard to get to the next lvl....
they realised tat the couple points needed is far too much and garden can only give limited help.
so off with Couple Battle Party!
not a single lost till now.
on 23rd June 2012, the 4th Love Party was carried out.
They managed to clear it in one round as well.

iMIRO: Finally a chio ring!
iKIRO: The next one nicer.
iMIRO: Means we still chionging?
iKIRO: *Nods*
and yes!
garden is really a good way to earn couple points!
they have been chionging their hearts quite fast.
considering the fact that he mostly play in the day while she plays at night.
18th June 2012, on his bdae, he got the best gift he can ever get.
a love party passed with a single try.
the cheesecake ring, as she says.
since the pro gardener is back, it isn't that long before they can try love party again!
on the 15th June 2012, they managed to clear the 2nd love party with 1 try.
and then....
iKIRO went for a long trip....
and when he came back, they had a wedding party on 14th June 2012!
this is the 2nd ring!
one try pass!
coupled on 21st May 2012 and married on 25th May 2012!
Swee lah! xD
though have to use 2 tries since one is lag and the other can't perf well.

Monday, June 25, 2012

and so i decided to create a blog regarding audi.
cos it is such a waste if i don't show off our beautiful cpl rings!
today is exactly one month after our wedding! hoho!